Community Chinese Ministry

Chinese Ministry



image of family looking at ipad

西点中文圣经团契,于每周五晚上 7-9:30

西点中文圣经团契,于每周五晚上7-9:30 (在通过Zoom聚会。这是团契为讲普通话的弟兄姐妹而建立,为了更深的认识神并与弟兄姐妹在主内彼此连结。团契活动一般包括敬拜、查经、自由讨论、问答、灵修操练和祷告。我们欢迎新成员和所有想参与的人加入

Chinese Bible Fellowship, Friday Evenings 7:00-9:30pm

For Mandarin speakers who are seeking to know God and desiring fellowship with God's people. Our general format for the evening includes: worship, Bible Study and discussion/topical discussion/open mic (general Q & A)/spiritual devotionals, and prayer. We are open to new comers and all who want to participate. (contact:

image of Chinese text JOY GROUP



主持人。Loretta Huang和Mabel Chau



- 食物
- 音乐类
- 育儿
- 压力
- 幸福
- 金钱
- 梦想
- 信仰

image of English text JOY GROUP

The JOY Group

Monday Afternoons 1:00 - 2:30pm
September 16 - December 19, 2024

Facilitators: Loretta Huang and Mabel Chau. 

Level of competence: Intermediate-advanced


The first 30 minutes of the class is free conversation on various topics where students can practise their oral skills, the second 30 minutes is a study of Bible (the book of John), the last 30 minutes are spent on discussions based on the passage where students can relate Bible truths to their everyday living. 

Monday Conversation Group - Everything Relational

Monday Group

Monday Conversation Group - Everything Relational

Monday mornings 10:30am - 12:00noon
September 9 - December 9, 2024

Facilitators: Joey Hsieh, John Skinner, Myrnal Hawes and Gloria Lou

Level of competence: Intermediate-advanced

Location: West Point Grey Baptist Church (4509 W. 11th Ave, Vancouver)
The Watson Room (enter through the big front doors, it's the room to the immediate right).

Our aim is to sharpen our awareness and deepen the understanding of ourselves and each other by exploring the diverse ways we show up in relationships. Through guided conversational activities, dance, meditations, and spiritual practices, we seek to build friendships, enhance cultural awareness, and cultivate active listening skills.

Tuesday Morning English Skill Practice Grp

English Conversation Skills Practice - Everything Relational

Tuesday mornings 9:15 - 10:30 am
September 17 - October 29, 2024

Facilitators: Lorraine Geddes & John Skinner

Level of competence: Intermediate-advanced

Location: West Point Grey Baptist Church (4509 W. 11th Ave, Vancouver)
The "Former Library" -- enter through the big front doors, take a left at the top of the stairs and it's the room beside the elevator

For those who wish to improve their English Conversation skills, we discuss general topics from everyday life, such as restaurants,Sports, travel and pets. We have lively and thoughtful discussions based on topics determined by the participants.

image of Chinese text English for Everyday



主持人:Paul Birch和Jenny Gu

能力水平: 中级-高级 

说明:本课以每周发的小文选为主。这门课将基于每周期间发出的小书面选文。  班上的人可以提前阅读材料,我们将讨论他们所阅读的内容。  这将涉及到对话、词汇和语言结构。  短篇阅读材料将包括民间故事、圣经故事、有趣的事实和文化背景。  我们不要求学生能说一口流利的英语,但他们应该至少有初级水平的阅读能力

image of English text English for Everyday

English for Everyday

Wednesday Afternoons 1:30-2:30pm 

Facilitators: Paul Birch and Jenny Gu

Level of competence: Intermediate-Advanced

Ten masterpieces of children‘s literature...
Most children born in the West are told a number of traditional tales that help them learn lessons about what is good and what is bad.  These stories are part of the culture that is shared and which helps to shape Western thinking.  In our classes we will look at ten of the best-known of these stories and we will discuss what values and ideas they might teach us.

Spiritual Enneagram Discovery and Discussion

Spiritual Enneagram

11:00 am - 2:00 pm 

 Facilitators: Joey Hsieh & John Skinner

Level of competence: Intermediate-Advanced

This group is an invitation to converse on the enneagram personality traits and motivations through the lens of spirituality and psychology. It is an open space for those who are interested to engage in lively discussions.